Play it Forward - Get a FREE audiobook when you purchase an ebook!

Our language e-book has plenty of enjoyable illustrations, but what about those who want to hear the language? We want everyone to experience the sound of our book, so we came up with this special offer.

How it works:

  1. Buy an e-book version of China Simplified: Language Empowerment. It’s currently selling on Amazon kindle, iBooks, Barnes & Noble nook and Smashwords and other online stores.
  2. Read the book (that’s the fun part!) and give us a comment on the site where you bought the e-book.
  3. E-mail us at to let us know you’ve posted a comment. Please include your name & e-mail, as well as your friend’s.
  4. We send a FREE audiobook to both you and your friend! You two will each receive an e-mail with a download link for the mp3 files.

Thanks for listening!
The China Simplified Team