In this soon-to-be-released short comedy produced by China Simplified, one of six video trailers for our Language book, we play with what might happen when an unaware foreigner delivers the…
The ongoing battle between the Cao and Sima families during China’s Three Kingdoms Period was as complex and unpredictable as HBO’s hit TV series Game of Thrones, based on George…
Yes, learning characters and mastering tones is a major challenge. That said, it’s far too early to discount the future potential of Mandarin. Let’s explore three reasons why Mandarin may…
China has a long tradition of foods that assault the palate. In fact, many culinary cultures have their own stinky obsessions.
This should be easy, right? Just say what you want and leave the rest to instinct and chemistry. Whatever you do, don’t let words get in the way.
St. Patrick wasn’t even Irish (he was English) and alas, he never came to China, yet the tradition of drinking spans many countries and cultures. Let’s take a closer look…
Read about five ways to enjoy the holiday and see if you can solve our three traditional Lantern Day riddles. Can you meet the challenge?
As Spring Festival celebration approaches, our collective ears will be filled with New Year’s jingles hovering in shopping malls, non-stop chit-chat over family dinner tables, plus fire crackers loud enough to…
Start your Spring Festival chūnjié 春节 with eight auspicious actions drawing upon traditions honed over centuries by the emperor and his entourage.